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Top 5 Client Acquisition Strategies In 2019

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Top 5 Client Acquisition Strategies In 2019

In the last six years, the cost of acquiring new customers has increased by about fifty percent. Marketing is becoming costly, and customers are becoming warier of the emerging brands. What does this signify to companies? Should they just give up on customer acquisition and let their businesses falter. That is impossible since they need to get smarter and look for new ways to get these clients. The business world is changing every single day and reducing the customer acquisition costs while increasing the ROI remain the most common priorities for companies.

A customer acquisition strategy is meant to come up with a way of bringing new customers to your business in the best way possible. This article has compiled some top client acquisition strategies 2019 that will help your business to get more clients and get a higher ROI. Read on;

Differentiate Long Term and Short-Term Tactics.

The top client acquisition strategies 2019 are not only concerned with bringing in new clients but also sustaining them. New businescses that are desperate for clients use short term tactics to get their first batch of customers for starters, but that is bad for sustainable growth. Examples of short-term tactics are personally following up every customer and tapping into your network to get clients. You cannot keep on engaging in these short-term tactics, and it is better to stick to the long-term ones that scale well with your business. Examples of long-term tactics include email campaigns, SEO and creating a good lead generation plan. It is not wrong to use the short-term tactics when starting a business but always shift to the long-term ones with time since they will help your business to sustain both the existing and new clients.

The Customer Value Must Exceed the Acquisition Cost.

There has been an old notion that says that a business is allowed to lose money on getting customers and them make it up in the volumes later on. Well, this is obsolete, and you should not do it in 2019. Do not burn out your capital on client acquisition and then try to sort out things later one. No matter how many clients you have, if you do not make money on any transaction, you could end up making nothing at all. The profitability issue is an important one, and if you look at most companies that started and faded away after three years, you will realize that they did not have a clear plan to deal with this issue. Make sure that the value you will get out of the customer is higher than what you spent getting them if you want your business to grow.

Encourage Your Sales Team.

Your sales team has a huge role to play in client acquisition and try to support them in every way you can. Give them the tools and processes they need to succeed. In 2019, things are being done online and have an easy to use CRM software that will organize their work and define a clear sales process that they can stick to. Integrate this CRM software with all the various aspects related to client acquisition such as social media, emails, internet marketing analytics and many more. This way, your sales team will have a clear lead intelligence, and this enables them to identify any potential barriers in the client acquisition process. Technology makes thing better for the client acquisition process. Ensure your team makes use of the good opportunities it offers to increase the number of new clients.

Content Is King.

Online marketing was dominant in 2018 and expect it to grow in 2019. One of the top client acquisition strategies 2019 that has been seen to work is creating valuable content. Companies that are using content marketing are seen to generate 65% more leads than those that do not. Internet marketing is unique, and customers are more likely to have made up their mind 70% of the way even before they contact your sales rep. Businesses that fail in that phase before a client reaches the 70% point always find it hard to get the client, and this puts a lot of strain on the sales rep.

Have a good library of unique, valuable, updated and original content that will answer most of the questions that your target audience have. Content marketing is useful but it does not work in isolation since you need to create opportunities for interested people to enter your sales funnel. Have conversion points throughout your online platforms and having call to actions on your pages can be an excellent way to start it off. Structure your funnel well and identify the pages and their tiers within the funnel. At the end of it all, you will see an increase in your conversion rates and clients will start to flow to your business.

Give Them A Deal That Seems To Be Too Good.

While you should not spend too much money on the acquisition process, people love discounts, and you can’t do anything about that. If you ask people about the last thing they purchased on the web, they will tell you that they probably got it at a discount. Giving a new client a feeling that they won a deal is an effective way of making them like your commodities as opposed to that of a competitor. You can go about these promotions in several possible ways.

Use your social media pages to advertise a coupon that can be redeemed on your website or store. Your email list is also a great way to advertise coupons as you can encourage people to subscribe to your newsletters and reward them. If you have a commodity that is less popular and moves slowly, you can use it as a loss leader and either sell it at a throwaway price or add it as a gift when they buy a specific item. When going about these promotions, pay attention to the trends and seasons since sales that connect with the lifestyles of individuals are the best and most effective.

Some of the top client acquisition strategies 2019 have been mentioned, and they can bring in numerous new clients for your business. Remember that you should always test and try out any strategy before finally rolling out since you do not want to misuse a sales funnel and have a situation where people are talking about your business but give you the response that the product or service is not right for them.

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Brett Heimann is a marketing & advertising professional with 10 years of experience. He's the founder of and contributes to other publications such as; Entrepreneur, Thrive Global, and His passion for digital marketing began after graduating with a B.S.B.A in business administration and finance in 2013. After completing college, he went on to become an entrepreneur in the marketing and finance space. Brett loves the ability to deliver to his readers engaging and educational content that can be easily consumed by the reader. He enjoys writing about a wide variety of marketing topics such as; Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Paid Advertising (PPC), E-Commerce, and Lead Generation For SMBs to name a few. Brett, a South Florida native, enjoys spending time with his wife and two sons outdoors and is a big basketball and MMA fan.

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