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7 Ways to Learn from Amazon Best Sellers and Amazon Product Finders

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7 Ways to Learn from Amazon Best Sellers and Amazon Product Finders

7 Ways to Learn from Amazon Best Sellers and Amazon Product Finders

The beauty of becoming an Amazon seller is that you can work and make a sufficient income remotely. However, getting started and becoming successful can be pretty challenging. Fortunately, there’s a wealth of information you can learn for free by browsing through the best selling products on Amazon and studying Amazon products finders.


Let’s dive in and discuss what you should look for, and what you need to do, in order for your products to become a hit.


1. Find a top-trending category.

If you have yet to choose the product or category you want to sell, you can start by peeking through the best selling products on Amazon. Click on a category on the left side of your screen that interests you, then begin browsing through the top selling items on Amazon within that genre.

best selling products on amazon

Once you’ve ventured into a subcategory that interests you, do a little more investigating.

  • Which items are ranking the highest?
  • How many positive reviews do those products have?

Read the reviews and discover why people, in their own words, sought out the product and liked it.

2. Observe the competition.

Once you’ve selected the types of products you would like to start selling, it’s time to examine the competition. Visit their Amazon page to identify other items they are selling.

  • Are they also best sellers on Amazon?

Take it a step further and search for them on Google. Do they have a website? If so, go investigate it.

While browsing their website and Amazon page, take notes:

  • What kind of keywords are they using?
  • Which products are their top selling items?
  • Are the reviews on their site similar to those in their Amazon store?
  • Do the items or reviews give you any ideas on new, related items you could sell?

best selling items on amazon

For more hands-on research, order a couple of their items and take a better look at the product and experience they are offering.

  • Does the shipping cost seem fair?
  • Did they try to upsell you?
  • Did your order arrive as quickly as expected? Faster? Slower?
  • How would you rate the quality of the products you received for them?
  • What kind of email marketing did they use?
  • Did they send you a follow up message requesting a review?


The easiest way to learn is by observing what is already working, then mimicking it with your own branding and customizations.


3. Dig deeper with an Amazon product finder.

Another great form of research involves downloading and utilizing an Amazon product finder.

amazon product finder

What is an Amazon product finder? They are various apps and extensions that can help you systematically track products and sellers on Amazon. They provide up to date information on sales, top-trending keywords, rankings and other valuable information you’ll want to know about your competitors.


4. Name your price.

Using the Amazon product finder of your choice, keep an eye on pricing trends and their relationship to sales.

best selling products on amazon

  • Are the best selling products on Amazon also the most well-priced?
  • Can you beat their price by selling them a comparable product?
  • You want to maintain good margins, but how low can you go?

5. Discover how they are upselling.

Let’s go back to and your competition’s products. Visit the product page of a product you are interested in selling that is currently a top selling item on Amazon.

Now, scroll down to the bottom of the page until you see the following sections:

  • Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought…
  • Frequently Bought Together
  • Sponsored Products Related To This Item

top selling items on amazon

You can learn quite a bit about how to bundle products. One of the easiest ways to upsell is by offering a package deal. You can create that package deal by pairing an item that is often ordered with the product you are already highlighting.

  • If ordered together, what kind of discount can you offer your customer?
  • Again, can you offer competitive pricing?


6. Write the right stuff.

As mentioned earlier, you can use an Amazon product finder to gather keyword data. But why is this important?

You’ll want to know which keywords customers are searching for the most, then sprinkle them throughout your product name and description to help boost your search ranking. It only makes sense to make your products or store easier to find by feeding customers the words they are already searching for!

amazon product finder

You can also take a look at your competitors on to see what kind of wording they are using.

  • Do they match the top-trending keywords?
  • How are they different?

You’ll want to take all of this into account when adding your products.


7. Use pictures and videos.

Not all pictures and videos are created equal. Some sell, some don’t. So, naturally, you’ll want to make sure you only include photos and videos customers will find useful when making their buying decision.


First and foremost, always use high-quality images that give shoppers a realistic visual of your product.


Take a look at other sellers who have best selling products on Amazon that are similar to yours. What did they choose for their primary photo? What other photos did they include?

top selling items on amazon

And what about videos? Did your competitors offer one? What does it consist of?


Even if they didn’t offer a video, posting one doesn’t hurt. Just make sure it is somehow helpful. Demonstrate the use of the product, how to install it or how to take measurements for proper sizing.

Consider reaching out to consumers beyond Amazon. You can post videos about your product on YouTube, and include a link to your Amazon page in the video description, to drive more traffic to your shop.


Once you’ve done some thorough research and apply everything you have learned from the best selling items on Amazon and Amazon product finders, you’ll be ready to open a successful Amazon shop. But the studying doesn’t stop there! Keywords and trends are constantly evolving, so be sure to keep an eye on your competitors so you never fall behind.



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