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How to Create a Podcast: A Beginner’s Overview

how to make a podcast


How to Create a Podcast: A Beginner’s Overview

If you want you to learn how to make a podcast, then you’re probably aware of the financial potential behind hosting a successful series. With listeners tuning in for an average of over 6 hours a week, podcasts have sparked the interest of advertisers and marketers, grossing hundreds of millions of dollars in ad sales annually.

Regardless of your goal – whether you’re focused on generating income or just want to share your thoughts – before you can learn how to do a podcast, you’ll need to be well-prepared.

1. Decide what kind of podcast you want to host.

Like most things in life, you need to begin with a direction and goal. You’ll need to figure out what kind of podcast you are interested in recording so that you can buy the appropriate equipment and ensure the best podcast setup for you.

how to create a podcast

You can begin by thinking about the types of podcasts that you listen to. Are you intrigued by marketing podcasts? Do you like to hear opinions on current events? Do you enjoy stories? Life discussions? Celebrity gossip?

Once you’ve selected your subject matter, you can start shopping.

2. Find the right podcast equipment.

You don’t need much to begin your podcast setup. Start with the following podcast equipment, then add more pieces later once you become more comfortable.

Choose the best podcast microphone for you.

Like most tech equipment, you’ll need to do your research and read reviews before making your purchase. Before you begin, you first need to know what kind of microphone you’re looking for.

Consider the location you will be recording in. 

Will you be recording in a recording studio, your room or a quiet apartment? If so, you’ll want to search for condenser microphones.  These mics are very precise and hypersensitive. They will pick up every little sound, which makes for clear-cut acoustics.

However, if you intend to record in a louder environment, whether its outdoors, at a bar or some other populated area, you should choose a dynamic microphone. They will drown out a good amount of the background noise and focus on your voice. They are also far more durable than condenser mics and are great for traveling.

Grab your trusty laptop.

Hopefully this is the one piece of equipment that you already have, because it could easily be the most expensive. 

Since hours of recordings will create large audio files, make sure to clear any unnecessary files off of your computer. You may also want to consider investing in an external hard drive with a significant amount of memory.

Find sturdy headphones.

How awful would it be to spend an hour or more on recording an episode, only to find that you can barely understand anything that is being said? 

To accurately monitor your voice and avoid any disruptive sound, make sure you’re equipped with noise-cancelling headphones. 

podcast setup

Consider a headphone amplifier.

If you plan on having more than one host, or even guests, having a headphone amplifier will allow all speakers to hear themselves simultaneously and maintain quality control without any feedback or interference.

Download a podcast recorder.

Again, you will want to do your research to decide which one works best for you. Fortunately most podcast recording software is fairly affordable and will allow you to edit your podcast as you wish.

3. Get started!

Once you have your podcast equipment, create a podcast with these simple steps:

  • Prepare with a list of topics to discuss and questions to ask.
  • Connect your microphone(s) and amplifier to your laptop.
  • Open your podcast recorder.
  • Perform a sound test.
  • Start recording!
  • Make sure to save immediately after you finish your recording session.
  • Edit using the same program. It’s probably best to do so a few hours, or even a day, after you record your episode. This way you have a clear mind and can analyze your content with a fresh perspective.
  • Upload to your website or a podcast hosting site
how to do a podcast

With a better understanding of the best equipment to get you started, and the steps required to create a podcast, there is no need to delay any further. Gather everything you need and start sharing with the world!

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