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Practical Facebook Advertising Tips 2019

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Practical Facebook Advertising Tips 2019

With the right Facebook advertising tips, businesses, both large and small, can gain a lot from the world’s largest social network. It is however worth noting that to get the best return on investment advertisers have to go beyond simply posting content and waiting for it to be discovered by their target audience.

Before we look at what you need to do to get better results from your Facebook ad campaigns, it is worth taking a few minutes to see exactly why you should even be advertising on this social platform to begin with.

There are many reasons why businesses, whether B2B or B2C focused, should consider advertising on Facebook.

First and foremost, Facebook has, over the years, grown to become the world’s largest social network. The platform has over a billion active members drawn from all corners of the world. This means that it is actually quite easy for all sorts of businesses, regardless of their focus, to find their targeted customers no matter how specific.

Secondly, Facebook’s organic reach has been reducing over the past few years, and is now almost dead. This has accompanied the network’s focus on establishing their paid adverts. This now means that businesses can no longer expect their target audience to discover their posts for free.

To launch a Facebook ad campaign, you do not need unlimited resources or exceptional skills. With the wide variety of easy to learn and use tools, small business owners can be able to easily create and manage their very own advertising campaigns.

Now that you have an idea of why you should be advertising your business on Facebook, let us look at some of the tips you can use to ensure that you do not end up spending a huge amount of cash without getting the desired results.

Focus On The Right Audience

To have a chance of getting any meaningful results out of your Facebook advertising campaign, it is important to ensure that you target the right audience with your ads. Most beginners make the mistake of targeting as many people as possible with their ads; and even though this is not entirely wrong it is the right approach.

Each ad you create has a unique purpose. This purpose should be in line with the values of your targeted audience. When you use a single ad to target everyone, this purpose is effectively defeated.

Creating targeted ads helps ensure that they can be easily discovered by users who are interested in your business, are receptive to what your message and are willing to share it with others. To target the right audience, you need to learn as much as you can about them; this brings us to our next tip for success, mining audience insights.

Mining Audience Insights

One of the best ways to avoid wasting time on targeting your ads is to make use of Facebook’s Audience Insights tool. By focusing on Facebook data of users who already like your page, this tool helps you uncover more detailed information about your targeted audience. This tool can also help you create the proper retargeting campaigns. As such, this tool can help you learn more about the language your audience uses, their preferred platforms and even the type of content they engage with most of the time.

You can then use this information to build ads that target this audience much better. Targeted ads ultimately help you make more of your available advertising budget as opposed to taking a chance on the unknown.

Don’t Forget Landing Pages

To justify the cost incurred every time a user clicks your Facebook ad, you need to ensure that they convert on a consistent basis. Having a properly designed landing page can help you achieve this goal. The landing page can be used to prepare the user to make a purchase, or any other action that equates to a conversion, by offering important information on the same.

Businesses can use landing pages to offer users directions on how to proceed once they have clicked on one of your ads. This helps boost the chances of converting clicks into conversions; and with it, making the most of the cost per click.

Use Images In Your Ads

Visual content is known to attract more attention than worded content. It is true that you need to write great sales copy to get the targeted users to click on your ad; however, having the right image to accompany the ad will help you grab their attention to begin with. To improve on the success of your Facebook advertising campaign, it is recommended that you add appropriate images to your ads.

According to Facebook’s guidelines, images should not be made up of more than 20 percent words. This means that a lot of emphasis is placed on the attention grabbing power of images, as opposed to their use in sending a specific message.

Allocating A Budget And Bidding For Ad Space

As a beginner in Facebook advertising, allocating an advertising budget might seem problematic. To make things easier, and ensure that you get the most out of the available budget Facebook offers assistance to advertisers through the Optimized CPM tool. This tool will help you avoid spending way more, on advertising, than you initially intended.

The tool allows Facebook to automatically bid for advertising space, in line with the goals and limitations you provide. Later on, after you get a better idea of the cost of advertising and how to allocate the available budget you will be able to handle this important task on your own.

Monitoring Performance And Making Adjustments In Real Time

One of the main advantages of advertising on social media, and in this case Facebook to be specific, is the fact that you can track progress in real time. This ensures that you can find out how your ad is performing; and where necessary, make changes to improve performance.

All this can be done using the Facebook Ads Manager. With this tool, advertisers can find all the data relating to the performance of their ads in one convenient location.

To get the most out of your Facebook ad campaign you need to begin by familiarizing yourself with this specific social media platform. Once you have an idea of how Facebook advertising works, you will find creating effective ads, with the above tips in mind, to be much easier than you initially thought.

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Brett Heimann is a marketing & advertising professional with 10 years of experience. He's the founder of and contributes to other publications such as; Entrepreneur, Thrive Global, and His passion for digital marketing began after graduating with a B.S.B.A in business administration and finance in 2013. After completing college, he went on to become an entrepreneur in the marketing and finance space. Brett loves the ability to deliver to his readers engaging and educational content that can be easily consumed by the reader. He enjoys writing about a wide variety of marketing topics such as; Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Paid Advertising (PPC), E-Commerce, and Lead Generation For SMBs to name a few. Brett, a South Florida native, enjoys spending time with his wife and two sons outdoors and is a big basketball and MMA fan.

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