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Best Blog Ideas to Help Refresh Your Blog Posts

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Best Blog Ideas to Help Refresh Your Blog Posts

If you’ve written a fair amount of blog posts, you’re probably no stranger to the dreaded “writer’s rut.” Even if you know how to write a blog post well, and have not lost steam yet, the day will come. Whenever you finally run out of blog post ideas, you can always refer back to this list.

The following are some of today’s most popular blog ideas, which can be applied to almost any subject.


Articles that act as guides are often a great read for those venturing into the unknown. Someone traveling to a new country, a first-time mother or a recent college graduate may seek a little help. This is where your guide-style blog post can come in handy. 

how to write a blog

A guide post will generally summarize the topics you think are most important. They are meant to save the reader time while still giving them enough information to pave their path. You should maintain a fine balance between being thorough and remaining concise.

(Guidance – blog example.) 


Lists are a convenient and simple way to discuss a broad topic. Rather than dig into the drawn-out details of money-saving methods or a complex news story, make a list!

A list-style blog post is typically organized numerically or by bullet points. It will highlight the most crucial information by giving each subject a headline and brief synopsis.

how to write a blog post

You can format your blog post as a checklist as well. This works best when the list is meant to help accomplish a task or goal. A checklist should be arranged by order or level of difficulty, starting with the first or simplest step.

(Lists – blog example.)


Sometimes you need a change of pace. Consider having someone else become the voice of your blog post. You can still control the direction by writing the questions you would like your guest to discuss. However, your interviewee will build the bulk of the copy with their responses.

blog post ideas

Like any well-written blog post, your interview needs a beginning, middle and end. Make sure your blog post does not get derailed by tangents.

(Interviews – blog example.)

How To…

A how-to blog post allows the blogger to drive in various directions. You can write a narrative or list, add diagrams or your own photos. You can even create a vlog (video blog) and embed it into the body of your blog post to enhance what you’ve written with a visual.

blog ideas

However you choose to design your how-to blog post, always keep in mind that its purpose is to teach. It should be easy for your audience to follow no matter their knowledge level of the subject. 

(How To – blog example.)


These days, quotes are sought out for a variety of reasons. Whether it’s for Instagram captions or daily motivation, the Internet loves quotes! A blog post with a list of topic-driven quotes requires very little effort from the writer and could yield a decent number of views.

blog ideas

Don’t forget to always credit the person responsible for the quote. It’s common courtesy and your readers will want to know the author of the quote.

(Quotes – blog example.)


There’s nothing more credible than a blog post based on a study. You can take the traditional route and outsource by thoroughly researching an existing topic. Look into studies that have already been administered, then offer your thoughts on them. Tossing in some statistics via bullet points will help make the content easier to absorb.

You can also take the investigating into your own hands. Put yourself in an unusual situation or a circumstance that is new to you. You can share with your readers what you experienced and learned.

blog post ideas

Another option is to answer a social question by conducting your own survey. Reveal your findings in your blog post and allow your readers to comment on the results too.

(Studies – blog example.)

Monthly Highlights 

An end-of-month highlight gives readers something to look forward to. This means you can convince them to check in on your blog at least once a month! 

blog ideas

A monthly highlight can cover your favorite skincare products for the upcoming month, shocking news stories or the “book of the month.”

(Monthly Highlights – blog example.)


When in doubt, write what you know! Tell your readers about your trip to Mexico. Or how you created a successful business. How about your first time attempting to bake a soufflé?

blog post ideas

People have been telling stories for probably as long as we’ve existed. The thriving demand for movies and TV shows provides evidence that the human hunger for an interesting tale has yet to wither.

(Storytelling – blog example.)

Playing around with different blog ideas can help liven up your blog. However, not all blog posts work for every type of blog. Always stay true to your brand, whether that is yourself or your company.

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