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Top Email Subject Lines Strategies for 2019

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Top Email Subject Lines Strategies for 2019

Contrary to what some may believe, email marketing is still one of the strongest generators of e-commerce sales. With an unfathomable amount of messages pouring into your target audience’s inboxes on a daily basis, you’ll have to be methodic when trying to intrigue recipients and stand out in the crowded space.

Outlined below are the top email subject line strategies that successful marketers are using to keep their sales consistent.

Add a Little Magic and Mystery.

People are curious by nature, so why not utilize that instinct? Spark interest by writing a brief and enticing message. Divulge enough information to cause them to want to know more, but leave out enough details so that they feel compelled to click on your email to learn more. You can even take it a step further and persuade them, in the email body, to visit your site in order to receive even more information.

Free Giveaways.

Everything is better when you can get it for free. Can you think of anyone who would turn down something that they don’t have to pay for? By announcing in your subject line that the recipient can receive something they like for free, you’ll make opening the message irresistible. Can’t provide a free item or service? Then offer recipients a BOGO special or a major discount. Everyone likes to feel like they were granted a great deal.

Crucial and Time Sensitive.

Providing a sense of urgency by insinuating your stock is running low or that time is limited will encourage recipients to act fast. Rather than save your email for later, they will feel the need to open it immediately and follow any other instructions you provide. This is a great way to give your sales a rapid lift within a short period of time. It was also give customers the sense that they are among a select few who were quick enough to take advantage of an exclusive promotion.

best email subject lines

Connect With Your Subscribers.

Your target audience consists of everyday people. They will be more inclined to trust your company or organization if they see other everyday people behind the marketing and products. Use your email subject line to give them a snippet of a much larger, human narrative. Guide them towards the history behind your business, or provide a short and interesting bio profile of each of your team members. Trusting a brand comes with trusting the individuals that structure it.

Popular Validation

Speaking of trust, another way to gain attention and credibility is by claiming that a product is a top-seller, that your service is the latest craze or confirming that a well-known or important individual supports or sponsors your company. You can mention the person or high level of desire within your email subject line, but then hold off on revealing the subject. This way, your subscribers are urged to read further.

Enhance with Emojis

Embellishing your email subject line with a light, tasteful amount of emojis does have its benefits. They can add depth to your message while saving space. They’re more eye-catching than text-only copy. And best of all, they add a little charisma to a message that could, otherwise, be overlooked.

Keep Them Informed.

You don’t always have to push a sale on your email subject lines. You can provide your subscribers with valuable information about the company, current events related to your industry or even give them an inside look at a future product or service that you are currently working on. As previously mentioned, people can’t control their curiosity. Feeding them an introduction to a larger piece of knowledge is a simple way to lead them to open for the sake of learning more.

Ask and You Shall Receive

When it comes to having your email list open your email or click on a link, sometimes all you have to do is ask! Give them a reason to by telling them what their reward will be.

For example: “Open NOW to receive an extra 25% off!”

What’s In It For Me?

The last email subject line is probably the most effective because it dives right into the mind of the consumer. Let them know why your email is worth their time. What could they possibly gain from reading the email body? Humans cannot help but take interest in anything they believe they can gain from, so highlighting the benefit of opening your email is sure to boost your open rate.

Email Subject Lines

Following these techniques well help your marketing stay ahead of the curb. Consider them for all of your future email blasts.

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- Copywriter - Editor - Marketing Specialist

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