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6 Instagram Captions That Will Make Them Double-Tap

6 instagram captions to make them double tap


6 Instagram Captions That Will Make Them Double-Tap

6 Instagram Captions That Will Make Them Double-Tap

Do you find yourself experiencing writer’s block when trying to create your selfie captions? Has this led you to receive fewer Instagram likes than you had hoped for? No need to fret! This list will help you get your wheels turning and writing good Instagram captions that will delight your Instagram followers.

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cute instagram captions

Puns and wordplay make for fun, clever captions that are sure to stand out. If you get stuck, look at the focal point of the photo and think of words that rhyme with it.


The social media world is full of filters and seemingly demands perfection. It’s refreshing to see someone that breaks the mold and highlights his or her imperfections. You can do this in one of three ways:

funny instagram captions

Poke fun at yourself.

Being lighthearted about spilling coffee on yourself or waking up with hilarious bedhead will help your Instagram followers connect with you on a personal level. They too experience human error and it is only natural that they find such similarities touching and amusing.

Showcase the beauty of imperfection.

Although similar to poking fun at yourself, this method is a bit more serious. It focuses on not being ashamed of an unflattering photo, a breakout or not having the body of a model. Discussing a failure, and why it was for the best, is another great tactic.

An inconvenient occurrence.

Instagram users typically splash their best moments throughout their posts. Vacations, job promotions, family gatherings, a delicious meal – the more you think about it, the most common type of Instagram post is a positive one. Change the pace, while staying relatable, and share something that did not go as planned. Both you and your followers can learn something from making the most of an unexpected obstacle you experienced. Describing such an incident will hit home for many of your followers.


While we’re still on the topic of being relatable, let’s discuss other types of relatable captions:

good insta captions


Throughout your day, we encounter a plethora of different situations, most of which have also been experienced by your Instagram followers.

Did you burn your dinner and opt for cereal instead? Don’t just live it, share it! Caption it in a way that connects the circumstance to your followers. Use phrases like, “when you…” or briefly explain what happened to you with a clever caption. (ex: “Burnt my dinner. Cereal saved my life.”) These can help you write some funny Instagram captions.


Capturing a reaction in a photo and then writing the perfect caption for it makes for comedy gold. You can also post an interesting photo or video and make your caption the reaction to it.

Reactions are also often captioned with “the feeling when…” to help Instagram followers immediately empathize with the moment you captured. These also work great for selfie captions.


One thing we all share is relationships. Whether it’s with your parents, siblings, significant other or best friend, share a moving photo. Then write an Instagram caption about your appreciation for them. Your followers will feel happy for you and possibly relate to the joy you are expressing.


funny instagram captions

If animals could talk, what would they say? Although we might not ever know, we can certainly ponder and make a cute instagram caption out of it! If you’re the kind of user that enjoys sharing pictures and videos or your fur-child, enhance your post by personifying them.

Write a funny caption illustrating what they may be thinking. What would they say if you didn’t allow them on the new sofa? How thrilled are they about their new toy? Are they suspicious of an unfamiliar guest that you invited over? Give your pet a human personality and watch the likes pile up!


A great way to boost your engagement by encouraging likes and comments is asking your followers a question.

good instagram captions
  • Pick one.Which ice cream flavor would they choose?
  • Have you ever?Have they ever been to Portland, Oregon? Which coffee shop do they recommend?
  • What’s your favorite?What’s their favorite summer-themed beverage?
  • What do you think?What is their take on the latest news story?


Although a picture is worth a thousand words, it may not depict the full story.

So you reached the top of a long hike, and you have a photo of a the view, but what happened along the way? Describe something you saw for the first time. Tell them about the friends you met along the way. Did you accomplish something that was on your bucket list?

Tell the story behind the photo to give your Instagram followers a little more insight.

good instgram captions

No matter what you decide to share with the world, never stray away from your true self. It’s important to think outside the box, but being authentic is what will lead you to write good Instagram captions.

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Brett Heimann is a marketing & advertising professional with 10 years of experience. He's the founder of and contributes to other publications such as; Entrepreneur, Thrive Global, and His passion for digital marketing began after graduating with a B.S.B.A in business administration and finance in 2013. After completing college, he went on to become an entrepreneur in the marketing and finance space. Brett loves the ability to deliver to his readers engaging and educational content that can be easily consumed by the reader. He enjoys writing about a wide variety of marketing topics such as; Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Paid Advertising (PPC), E-Commerce, and Lead Generation For SMBs to name a few. Brett, a South Florida native, enjoys spending time with his wife and two sons outdoors and is a big basketball and MMA fan.

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