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10 Marketing Tools To Help Grow Your Business Now

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10 Marketing Tools To Help Grow Your Business Now

The world of marketing is ever-changing and evolving. New technologies are emerging every day to help businesses grow their customer base, increase sales, and expand into new markets. At the same time, technology like social media has changed how people engage with brands on a daily basis. It is important for marketers to keep up with these changes in order to stay ahead of the curve and be successful in 2021! In this blog post, we will discuss 10 marketing tools that can help you do just that in today’s landscape.

1) Google Analytics

This marketing tool is a must-have for any marketing professional. Google Analytics provides insights into who your audience is, what content they are engaging with the most, and how to optimize marketing campaigns around their interests. This powerful reporting platform can be used as a predictive analysis tool.

google analytics

2) Trello

Trello is a project management app that has many functions but primarily focuses on managing team projects. It can be used to create cards for any task and assign them to members of your marketing team or yourself.

It also allows you to have boards with different teams working on various tasks, which helps to organize the workflow of each person in your company. You can use Trello’s built-in reporting platform as well as third-party apps like Cyfe Insight (a google analytics alternative).

This tool will allow you to analyze how an individual card affects overall business metrics such as ROI and customer retention rates, among other KPIs related specifically to those tasks!


3) Clickfunnels

This tool can be used by marketers in order to create landing pages, sales funnels, and increase lead generation to your business – it has many features but the most important one for marketers is its lead generation capability! What’s more, is that this tool integrates seamlessly with google analytics and a whole heap of other applications, so there’s no need for double entry of your data.


4) Mailchimp

Mailchimp is a marketing automation platform that allows you to send emails from one interface. It’s also one of the most popular and widely used email marketing software out there – it manages your subscriber list and sends mailers through their app or website. They have tons of templates for all sorts of purposes, so getting started with Mailchimp can be as easy as drag-and-drop.

This tool will allow marketers to easily create professional-looking mail campaigns without having any design expertise or coding knowledge! It saves time by automating the process of sending mailer campaigns and eliminating the need for designers in most cases. It isn’t just used for designing either: You’ll find many great features inside like A/B testing which help improve ROI and increase customer retention rates.


5) Canva

Canva is a graphic design software that’s used by both designers and non-designers. It has templates for all sorts of purposes from business cards to website banners, so it can be as easy as one click to create something professional-looking! It saves time on the front end – you don’t need a designer or even any coding knowledge. In addition, Canva provides an analytic dashboard that will allow marketers to track their designs’ performance in detail such as how many people clicked through them (and where they came from)

This tool gives everyone access to tools previously only available with expensive packages like Photoshop. This automation also ensures consistency across your branding strategy since there are no worries about multiple members of your team using different fonts or colors.


6) SEMRush

SEMRush is a marketing research tool that helps provide insights into your competitors’ SEO and PPC strategies. It has many features, but the most important one for marketers is its competitive intelligence capability! This also allows you to spy on what keywords they’re bidding on in paid search so you know exactly how to market better against them – it’s like spying on their strategy before coming up with yours!

SEMRush can be used as a predictive analysis tool because of this feature, which will allow marketers to create more accurate campaigns based on competitor data. It’ll give insight into both organic and paid traffic sources too so there’s no need to use any other tools when using SEMRush.


7) Hootsuite

Hootsuite is a social media management tool that allows you to schedule posts for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and more. It provides analytics that will allow marketers to track their campaign’s performance in detail including how many people clicked through them (and where they came from).

Hootsuite has tons of features for all sorts of purposes but the most important one for marketing is its ability to create schedules or queues so there’s no need to manually post on every platform! Hootsuite helps reduce work by automating it – this means you don’t have to spend hours each week updating your profiles with new content or responding quickly when someone mentions you online. Hootsuite also integrates seamlessly with other third-party applications.


8) Hubspot

Hubspot is a CRM (customer relationship management) and marketing automation tool that allows you to track your contacts, both current and potential. It also serves as a marketing automation software that can integrate with other tools like Mailchimp so it can be easy for marketers to create personalized campaigns.

HubSpot has tons of features, but the most important one for marketing purposes is its ability to provide insights about your contacts so you know what to market to them. For example, it will tell marketers which pages a contact has viewed and how long they spent on that page as well as the last time they contacted them or even their location. HubSpot can save you a lot of time by automating marketing efforts for things like email marketing, lead nurturing, and more.


9) Moz

Moz is a marketing analytics platform that provides competitive intelligence and keyword research for marketers. It’s not just used to spy on your competitors either: Moz also has A/B testing features which help improve ROI, increase customer retention rates, and other important KPIs.

In addition, they provide tools like Moz Local to find the best places to optimize your website based on what keywords you want it ranking for or SEOmoz PRO which gives detailed reports about how your site performs online. These are great because oftentimes business owners don’t really know where their market is – so platforms like Moz can be an invaluable resource in finding ways to grow business by knowing exactly who will buy from them.


10) HotJar

HotJar is a popular marketing and analytics tool that’s allowing marketers and business owners to better understand their customers. It provides heatmaps, scroll maps, form analysis, surveys – all sorts of features for understanding what people do on your site or app. Hotjar also automatically records visitor sessions which can be used in conjunction with other tools like Google Analytics to provide even more data about how different visitors behave when they interact with your content online.


These are some of the top marketing tools you should consider to help grow your business today. These 10 marketing tools will have a positive impact on just about every aspect of your digital presence from better SEO rankings, more conversions, to lower customer acquisition costs; it doesn’t matter if you want to start an online store or blog- this list has something for everyone. Comment below your favorite marketing tool for your business. 


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Brett Heimann is a marketing & advertising professional with 10 years of experience. He's the founder of and contributes to other publications such as; Entrepreneur, Thrive Global, and His passion for digital marketing began after graduating with a B.S.B.A in business administration and finance in 2013. After completing college, he went on to become an entrepreneur in the marketing and finance space. Brett loves the ability to deliver to his readers engaging and educational content that can be easily consumed by the reader. He enjoys writing about a wide variety of marketing topics such as; Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Paid Advertising (PPC), E-Commerce, and Lead Generation For SMBs to name a few. Brett, a South Florida native, enjoys spending time with his wife and two sons outdoors and is a big basketball and MMA fan.

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