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10 Easy Ways to Get More Instagram Followers – FAST!

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10 Easy Ways to Get More Instagram Followers – FAST!

With over 1 billion active users worldwide, Instagram has become one of the simplest, fastest and most cost-effective ways to create brand awareness and increase sales revenue. Whether you’re using Instagram for you business or trying to promote your lifestyle brand, one thing is certain – the quantity and quality of your Instagram followers matters.

How to Get Free Followers on Instagram

Much like capital and assets in the real world, followers determine your social media wealth, power and credibility. For those of you struggling to gain followers, we’ve put together a list of ten easy ways to get more Instagram followers.

1. Create and maintain a narrative to get followers’ attention. 

Like every good brand, you have to start with a story, a lifestyle or an esthetic that makes you stand out. Think of your Instagram feed as a book about you that is sitting on a bookshelf, waiting to be read by real people. Your potential-followers shouldn’t have to guess what the book is about, but rather have a decent understanding of what to expect by simply skimming the cover.

Hands holding mobile phone with Instagram feed and picture book on the other hand







2. Make a great first impression.

When a user first stumbles upon your profile, they will immediately read and judge your bio. Your Instagram bio is often the only chance you have at catching potential-followers’ attention and getting free Instagram followers. You must maximize your utilization of it by making sure every field is thoroughly and thoughtfully completed.

  • Your bio description should concisely explain what your purpose and interests are. This way, viewers can immediately identify who you are and ultimately decide if they think you are worth following.
  • Include hashtags in your bio that will enhance your identity and help users with similar interests find you.
  • Having a website helps legitimize you and your Instagram page. If your brand or company takes the extra step to create and sustain a website, you will build your credibility.

If you have one, make sure to include it in your profile. Keep it fresh by changing the URL and alternating between different landing pages every few weeks.

If you don’t have one, imply your intention to create one, while generating anticipation, by writing something like, “IN THE WORKS” or, “COMING SOON.”

Get Free Instagram Followers Fast

3. Give your optics a theme.

Assuming your bio has captured their attention, the user will then move on and scroll through your feed. Make sure it matches the same “feeling” that your bio radiates.

  • Your photos and videos should be relevant to the claims in your bio, as well as be easily relatable to your audience. All of your posts should seem like a different chapter of your ongoing story.
  • Cultivate a color scheme that pairs well with the story and character you are trying to emulate. You can do this by using the same 2-3 filters, as well as ensuring that similar elements are consistently included throughout your feed. For example, if you are a barista trying to build a following of coffee enthusiasts, you may want to always have a touch of brown in your visuals, whether it’s in coffee beans, espresso, a latte, pastries or even the wood furniture found in your coffee shop.

Instagram Feed Color Scheme Theme Brown

4. Don’t slack on your hashtags.

Although broad hashtags, like #sports, #travel, #tbt, #igdaily and #followme, will get your post displayed to more users, the reality is that it will be just as easy for your post to get lost in the noise. The key is to find the perfect balance between making yourself easy to find and targeting a particular group of people that are more likely to follow you and give likes on your Instagram page. 

Make sure to use more specific hashtags that are trending among a certain group of people. (Ex. #UltraMusicFestival, #NewYorkFashionWeek, #craftbeerbloggers, #Californiarockclimber and so on.)

Get Free Instagram Followers Fast

5. Stay human. 

Insta followers are real people too, which means they are attracted to other real people. You can preserve your authenticity by…

  • Posting photos of yourself frequently. Don’t be mistaken – this does not mean that you should post meaningless, over-filtered selfies every day. What you should do is share photos of yourself in action, using a product, performing, or doing whatever it is that you do.
  • Stay connected via Instagram Stories. Stories are more intimate that permanent posts. Their short lifespan gives viewers the impression that they are seeing what you are up to in somewhat real-time.
  • Interact with Live Feeds. Take it a step further and allow followers to watch you live. Verbally responding to comments while live will help build a relationship between you and them, keeping them following you longer.
Pictures of Women Posing on Instagram feed

6. Give engagement to get engagement.

Create a name for yourself by building relationships with similar accounts and their followers. Write genuine comments on others’ posts. Start a discussion by responding to people. Share your thoughts. The idea is that, once you engage others in your virtual community, they will do the same in return. Eventually, you will build a supportive network of like-minded individuals and accounts.

Get Instagram Followers Fast

7. Play “Tag.”

Once you’ve joined a community of accounts with similar interests, try to find mutually beneficial reasons to tag and be tagged. Post a shout out to an account or individual that you have befriended. Congratulate them on an accomplishment or recommend their latest product. Ask them to do the same for you when you feel the timing is right.

Get Instagram Followers Fast

8. Tell them what to do.

You’d be surprised by how easy it is to have followers do something. All you have to do is ask! Tell them to tune into your live feed at 5pm, or to check out your latest blog post by clicking on the link in your bio. You can use calls to action to have them tag you in their post or share your post.

Get Instagram Followers Fast

9. Make yourself “sharable.”

Speaking of sharing your post, to get shares and grow Instagram followers, you should put some thought into what you post. “Is this relatable? Why should my followers care about this? Am I teaching my followers something? Am I sending an important message?” All of these scenarios are reasons why your followers may feel inclined to share your post. Even if your post does not go viral, you will have an exponential amount of new views that could lead to more Instagram followers!

Get Instagram Followers Fast

10. Unfollow people who do not follow you.

To make yourself credible in your community, you need to be a leader, not a follower. Going back to that first impression in your bio, statistics show that potential followers are less likely to follow you if you follow more people than the number that follows you. The Instagram world can be harsh, so to survive you may need to cut some accounts that are not benefiting your goal to grow your follower base.

Get Instagram Followers Fast

Even if you already have a small following and have used some of these tactics, the only way to execute this strategy effectively is to follow all of the steps listed above. They are all interconnected – without one, the others cannot reach their fullest potential. With all ten properly in place, you will soon find your flooded with real followers on Instagram.

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